Tuesday 30 April 2013

Life, isn’t fair.

Agree enough? Welcome to the blog. Assalamualaikum ●▽●

Yeah, for the first moments I think about it, it’s true. Without a doubt.

How can my life be like this? Have money probs in family, doesn’t any family trip, never be close- up with siblings. How can my life be like this? How? How?

I don’t know where’s to begin my story. Is it too many? I don’t think so. My life was horribly boring. I think that was a main problem which I don’t have a story to begin with.

Thinking about a trip, I really wanna go to the Korea. Is it because of the K-pop virus? Erm.. I think that one of the reason. But actually, I’ve been falling in love with Korea since I’m in Form 2. I guess that times, the K-pop virus doesn’t spread eventually in Malaysia yet. So, don’t you ever think I’m in love with Korea because of that virus. I really mean it. Somehow, in my state right now, do I have any chances to fly over to Korea? Haha Even in my dream, I’m not having a chance for my foot standing at the land of Korea. When I heard that my friends are going to Korea (or already go there), for a family trip of course, I’m seriously envy them much. They had snatched my dream off. I’m so horribly loser. I’m the one who getting so bias in K-Pop, but lastly, the others friend gets the right time to have enjoyable moments at there.  I’m never get into fly over that. I’m never being reached my feet on the airport station. I’m never got that huge amount of money for me to enjoy at Korea. Never be. That why, the life is so unfair.

My family got a restaurant. Yet, all of you think the word of ‘restaurant’ means the big area place for people to eat a delicious food with great facilities and have a waiter/waitress in uniforms, walking towards you to take an order. Nope. That’s not my ‘imaginary’ family restaurant at all. The restaurant, is more to services the food to the villagers. One more things, there’s NO waiter/waitress in uniform to take orders from you. The order will be taking by; my parents themselves, or my siblings, or ME instead. So, that’s not GRAND any all. Whenever my friend hear from me that I’ve a family restaurant, all of them will gasp, and with happily saying “ Elly, it’s good to hear you have a restaurant.” Or “ Elly, you’ve been lucky can having to eat any food at any time.” Or “ Elly, you must be happy can works at restaurant, helping your parents at there.” Can I take for what them saying as a ‘compliment’ after all?

Is it good to have a restaurant? Is it lucky to have a restaurant? Is it happy to works at restaurant? NO okay. NO. Having a restaurant means there’s no family time spending together. Also, keep the body aching. How could they (my friends) say that ‘I’m lucky to have the restaurant’? They have no idea how tired I was helping my parents here. I’m pretty sure my parents have double-triple feel tired than me. I’m prefer if my Abah working with government. So that Umie and my siblings could be free spending time at home. However, that’s how life is so unfair.

Somehow, when I’m think deeply, I was greedy. Not all life is easy. Even the rich people have their own problems, except for the money. I should have realized that, I’m should be grateful for having a healthy family. Which is means, all of us don’t have to collect the money for paying any surgery. All of us don’t have any critical illness. Not like other people, they face always show up in the newspaper, begging for people sympathy to give the money in their account bank.  I should be grateful. Ya Allah, syukran ja zilan.

After all, I’m grateful that even though I think helping my parents is quite tired. Why? Because of it, I can learn how to communicate with other people. It important as I’m will involve in working world as a consultant, for those who want to make a building. Just wondering how I can have a confident to face with my client if I just staying in the house, not to go anywhere? It must be hard for me to communicate then. Assume.

When I’m see other people, especially the kids, who also helping their parents, such as at pasar malam, or just like me; at restaurant, I know what their feeling enough. We are in the same boat but have different captain after all.  Also, it’s not bad to have a work at restaurant, even though I’m not getting any paid from my parents for helping them, but at least, my time is full with work during break semester. Not like my others friends, they always telling me they boring, nothing to do. Hey, they should be grateful, because doing nothing is all I want to. I want my body to rest, and have a free mind and stop thinking all problems matters. But they not realize of that, and keep telling me they rather go to work just like me than doing nothing at home.

Human is always human. And they not perfect at all. Human always saying their life is unfair, however, it is because they making their own decision to take a path where they been right now. They always keep saying life is unfair, because they don’t see what the other stories behind what had happened are. They always think life is unfair. It is because they are human. In others means, they not perfect and always be greedy to fill their willingness.

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